Public Throne API
Lord Lumineer
Allow Developers to build their own tools from an API with your site so streamers can have more customization over how Throne interacts on there stream. It would allow for programs like TITS, VTS, and many more to be able to react to a throne contribution or purchase.
Maybe a webhook at least, where a POST request is sent to a specified url, you could have a token used to identify the user so the endpoint could check if it's legitimate or not. Something similar to Ko-Fi shouldn't be too hard to implement (
I would love to see this as well.. this has been a requested feature in order to have Streamer.Bot work with alerts/integrations for Throne. I get that we have access to 'NightBot' and 'StreamElements', but I personally do not use those and have been actively migrating away from StreamElements for majority of everything, I think all thats left there is the Tip/Donate button and Overlays.
Community Team
Lord Lumineer
Community Team
It's unfortunate that this request was closed (especially when it is amongst the most up voted feature requested), I wish a reason could be given as to why it was closed.
I still believe it's a good idea to bring more engagement to the community.
Community Team ; why is every API request or Streamer.Bot request marked as closed; there are no active/open ones. Clearly is a popular request, I just made a post including a screenshot from Streamer.Bot discord.
Lord Lumineer
aliavali it looks like they are going the Spotify way about webhooks/websocket, but even them have at least an API.
Delta Dog
Personally I would rather use A web socket API with token authentication from the users settings (that can be reset). A broadcast can be raised on item purchase allowing quick and easy dev work.