this feature would be an option when adding a high price item to add an upper limit to how much an account can contribute to an item. the use case for this would be for example, if a creator wanted to have a ring or a some other piece of jewelry that was very expensive but they wanted it to be crowd funded and not just funded by a few people they could set a limit and then that way they could allow many of their fans to contribute to an item. Im sure it seems rather pointless but i've heard creators mention how they wish throne had this functionality in the past and I think it would fit well in the site. the way i see the feature working is that when the creator uploads the item they want to be funded by many people they can set an upper numerical limit and then fans can donate any amount until they reach the limit, or maybe just allow 1 single donation amount for that item. IE: you could out a 2,000$ ring on throne and then put a donation option of 5$ and then have it so people cannot donate 5$ twice (maybe it gets greyed out) and that way 400 people could fund the item if they so wanted allowing it to be truly community funded. I think how the item gets funded is sometimes more impactful then the item getting funded itself and I'm sure this function would be well apricated.