After being gifted, streamers can clip their stream and attach a clip link to the gift on throne to showcase their reaction to being gifted live. In the 'Gifters' tab, there's a 'Reactions' section for the clips, and a 'Received Gifts' section for the received gifts with gifter messages.
It would be nice if we could also attach images to Received Gifts, after we actually get the gift IRL and take a picture! For example in my stream there's a meme about me eating pizza, so chat buys me pizza sometimes, and I like writing the chatter's name in the pizza box and show it. It would be cool to be able to attach that image to the gifts like clips, and there should also be a section just for those pictures!
If dealing with the whole uploading + storing is too much of a hassle, maybe it would be easier to do this via links, so people could attach a link of a imgur url or even a tweet or post from somewhere else that can be embeded.