Ability to see messages and contributions for a specific crowdfund before the crowdfund is completed.
Guff Ball
Previously when using crowdfunds, it showed messages from each person who contributed and how much they put towards it.
After speaking to your tech support they have said this is no longer the case.
This feels like an important part of interacting with fans generous enough to help towards certain goals.
I know myself and some other streamers sometimes miss alerts from Throne contributions for a myriad of reasons and not being able to go back and read these messages (or at least names and money contributed) feels like an issue.
When doing charity fundraisers most websites will allow you to see names and contributions easily. This is also a feature with tip pages on Streamlabs, Streamelements etc. so it feels like it definitely should be a feature on Throne as well.
Again, this does seem to be a feature that was present in 2023 so I think it absolutely should return. My community is small so sometimes I don't reach a goal straight away, so not being able to thank my community members who contributed to the goal until the goal has been met feels a little unfair and doesn't allow me to show my appreciation in the way I'd like to.
I do hope you consider adding this feature very soon as it would be hugely beneficial.